1. “Determinants Of Performance Of Microfinance Institutions In Vietnam”
This research applied multiple regression techniques which include Pooled Ordinary least squares Regression (Pooled OLS), Fixed Effects (FEM), and Random Effects (REM) in order to analyze the factors affecting the performance of the microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Vietnam. In particular, the performance of the microfinance institutions is measured by operational self-sufficiency. The effect of unique mechanism of microfinance that aims to tackle the problem of information asymmetry as well as impacts of other factors on the performance of 42 MFIs in Vietnam between 1999 and 2014 are also examined. The study has found five factors that are significantly related at the 0.01 and 0.05 levels, which include: (a) Yield on Gross loan Portfolio (YIELDit); (b) Debt to Equity Ratio (DERit); (c) Cost Per Borrower (CPBit) and (d) Mechanisms of Joint Liability (LM). Particularly, Yield on Gross loan Portfolio (YIELDit) and Mechanisms of Joint Liability (LM) are the most powerful factors. Recommendations include noting that some measures should be taken to strengthen the operatinal self-sufficiency of MFIs in Vietnam, including: (a) Making use of Mechanisms of Joint Liability (LM) such as group lending, progressive lending, regular repayment schedules, and collateral substitutes; (b) Simplifying lending procedure; (c) Improving income on the loan portfolio; (d) Increasing productivity and reducing dependency on donors; (e) Reducing operating costs; (f) Exploiting of resources to generate financial revenue and (g) Focusing on increasing the value of total assets.
Keywords: Microfinance; Operational self-sufficiency; Vietnam.
2. “Evaluation of a Flipped Classroom Approach to Learning Statistics: Evidence from Vietnam”
1. Vu Quang Manh (2020) “Some Recommendations for Enhancing the Quality of Teaching Statistics in Vietnam”, Issues of Entrepreneurship and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, ISBN: 978-604-73-7826-5, Ho Chi Minh City National University Press, Ho Chi Minh City, 161–168.
2. Vu Quang Manh (2020), “Statistical Methods for Quality Control: Applications on The Textile Industry in Vietnam”, Issues of Quality Control of Vietnamese Organizations, ISBN: 978-604-79-2471-4, Finance Publishing House, Ho Chi Minh City, 59–68.
3. Vu Quang Manh (2018), “Flipping the Classroom to Explore Active Learning in a Large Undergraduate Course: Evidence from Vietnam”